Great Toys For Elementary School-Age Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Great Toys For Elementary School-Age Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Great Toys For Elementary School-Age Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

29 July 2016
Education & Development, Blog

According to the CDC, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is estimated to affect 1 in 68 children. If you are the parent of an elementary school-age child with ASD, you may sometimes wonder what toys are best suited for them.

It's difficult to say that all autistic children need any particular thing in their life. There are many stages of ASD, so it's hard to make assumptions.

Many autistic children don't know how to play. Toys can serve as learning tools for these children, teaching them how to play. They may not be comfortable with pretending or being in a setting where other kids are socializing. With the right toys and time, you may find these special children doing things they didn't do before.

Board Games

Board games that are played with others can be a fun way to get children with ASD to socialize. You don't want to push your child to play a board game. The key may be finding one that peaks their interest. Your child may be fixated on something such as an animal or vehicle. Try to find a board game that encompasses their interest.

In addition to social interactions, board games teach children how to take turns and follow instructions.

You may want to introduce board games to your elementary school age child at home. Perhaps try a family game night once a week.


Many children with autism like shapes and patterns. This makes puzzles an excellent toy for them. Puzzles can be found in an array of skill levels and themes. As with other toys, you can choose puzzles that are of a subject that interests your child.

Sensory Toys

Sensory toys can be enjoyed by children of all ages. They often serve as an excellent distraction for an autistic child who is having a difficult moment. These toys can range from small handheld toys that are squishy to ball pits filled with lots of foam balls.

There are a number of small squishy toys available to purchase. In addition to having these today at home, they are great to take with you on trips or long car rides.

Arts and crafts serve as excellent sensory activities. Depending on the craft, children will make use of their senses, creativity, and fine motor skills. Clay, foam, paper, construction paper and sand are some good tools to make use of in crafts.

When purchasing toys for an autistic child, you will want to pay attention to their developmental level. If the child is delayed in a particular area, age-appropriate toys may lead to frustration. Speak with professionals like Special Needs Toys Online for more information. 

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