Practice Makes Perfect: Tips for Helping Your Student with Math

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Practice Makes Perfect: Tips for Helping Your Student with Math

Practice Makes Perfect: Tips for Helping Your Student with Math

27 July 2016
Education & Development, Blog

For some students, math is a challenging subject, and it can be even more so when a single classroom has many kids. Over-crowded classrooms means one student who is struggling cannot get the individual help he or she needs because teachers are overworked and overwhelmed. Ensuring your student gets the math-homework help he or she needs is your responsibility as a parent. However, math tutoring can be expensive. The good news is that you can help your student at home by following these tips.

Maintain Healthy Communication with Your Child's Teachers

Talking to your child's teachers is extremely important for learning exactly where your student is in his or her studies. If you only depend on your child for telling you what he or she is doing in math class, you may not get all the information you need to help. For example, if your child is in the middle of learning the basics of algebra, he or she may not tell you that the multiplication tables are too challenging for them to be starting to learn the basics of algebra. However, your child's teacher can tell you about past test scores and other issues he or she may have noticed in your child's work that point to difficulties with multiplication. In this case, you will need to focus on teaching your student multiplication before helping with basic algebra. Be sure to get a copy of the math syllabus so you will always know where your student is in class and so you can make sure you do not get ahead of what the teacher is teaching. You can plan your tutoring around the syllabus so your student will have the enrichment he or she needs at the present.

Make a Quiet Place at Home for Math Studies

Creating a study-friendly environment at home is an essential aspect of providing your student with a great foundation for learning. Set up a desk or table with plenty of room to work at in a room where there are few distractions like television, music, or other children. One of the most detrimental environmental influences when it comes to beneficial studying is distractions, especially for kids. Make sure you always have plenty of paper, sharpened pencils, and other supplies on hand. When you have to stop in the middle of a math problem to go get more paper or a pencil sharpener, another distraction is interrupting your and your student's thought processes. Also, make sure your student has eaten and gone to the bathroom before you start working on math homework or practice sheets.

Stick to a Schedule

If you do not have a schedule for math studies, you have greater chances of missing times that would be best for your child to study. Sticking to a schedule and being adamant about doing so shows your child you are serious about helping and that you care about his or her learning. Set aside a time every weekday to sit down and do math. Make sure to set your time when you know your child is less likely to tired or hungry. Also, wait until an hour or so after school is out before you start studying so your child will have a break between the extra math studies and the regular school studies.

Helping your child succeed in math can be a lot of fun while also being challenging. However, when you start seeing your child understand math concepts he or she did not understand before having your help, you will have one of the greatest feelings in the world.

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Excelling in the College Classroom

My college days were amazing. I loved learning new concepts I could use in my chosen career. Are you enrolling in college soon? Perhaps you’re worried you won’t make good grades. If you desperately desire to excel in the college classroom, consider limiting the number of courses you take each semester. Instead of taking five or six classes during the fall and spring semesters, sign up for three or four. To make up the difference, you might want to take a couple of classes during the summer semester. To make good grades, sit near the front of the classroom. Take detailed notes. On this blog, I hope you will discover more smart tips to help you succeed in college.
