Tips For New Drivers To Safely Drive In Rain

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Tips For New Drivers To Safely Drive In Rain

Tips For New Drivers To Safely Drive In Rain

5 February 2016
Education & Development, Blog

When you're learning how to drive, it's important that you gain experience driving in all kinds of weather conditions. For example, while it may seem like no big deal, learning to drive in the rain is important. Driving in rain brings distractions and safety hazards that aren't there otherwise, so new drivers need exposure to that environment in a safe and controlled manner. Here are some tips to help you prepare for facing the rain for the first time behind the wheel.

Check Your Wipers

Your windshield wipers need to be in good condition and fully functional. If they're leaving streaks, scratches or residue behind, it may be time to invest in new blades for your wipers. It's important that they be working properly, because they are key to your visibility in the rain.

Use Your Headlights

Turn your car's headlights on right away when it starts raining. Even if it's just a light mist of rain, headlights will help you see a little more clearly. More importantly, they'll make it easier for other drivers on the road to see you in the limited visibility.

Test Your Tires

Your tires should be properly inflated at all times, and the tread should be sufficient. If your tires are balding or improperly inflated, they may not grip the road nearly as well. This can lead to hydroplaning, which can cause a serious accident.

Drive Cautiously

When driving in rainy weather, don't use your cruise control. Instead, you'll want to maintain complete control over the speed of the car. Drive a little bit slower than you might normally, especially when the rain first starts. The first few minutes of any rainfall will draw oil and grease from the road surface, making things slippery. In addition to slowing down a little bit, you'll also want to be a bit cautious about your braking. If you need to slow down or stop, push the brakes earlier and put less pressure on them than you might otherwise do. That helps to reduce the risk of hydroplaning and helps ensure that you stop safely. If you feel your car start to slip or skid on the water, ease your foot off the gas. If you have anti-lock brakes, you can press the brake pedal firmly.

Avoid Puddles

Don't drive into puddles. Even puddles that don't appear that deep can be deceptive. A particularly deep puddle can actually damage the engine and electrical components of your car. If there is no way to avoid the puddle, slow down significantly and drive very carefully through it. Try to stay on the high side of the puddle when possible.

With these tips and the help of a qualified driving school, you can learn to drive in the rain. Talk with your driving instructor or Morgan School Of Driving Inc for more guidance.

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Excelling in the College Classroom

My college days were amazing. I loved learning new concepts I could use in my chosen career. Are you enrolling in college soon? Perhaps you’re worried you won’t make good grades. If you desperately desire to excel in the college classroom, consider limiting the number of courses you take each semester. Instead of taking five or six classes during the fall and spring semesters, sign up for three or four. To make up the difference, you might want to take a couple of classes during the summer semester. To make good grades, sit near the front of the classroom. Take detailed notes. On this blog, I hope you will discover more smart tips to help you succeed in college.
