Four Measurable Ways Daycare Can Positively Influence Your Child Long-Term

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Four Measurable Ways Daycare Can Positively Influence Your Child Long-Term

Four Measurable Ways Daycare Can Positively Influence Your Child Long-Term

11 January 2016
Education & Development, Blog

Many new parents spend hours agonizing over the decision of whether to place their child into daycare, and it is easy to see why. Choosing between your or your spouse's career and spending time with your child is hard enough, but you must also consider the long-term ramifications of your child's early environment. Thankfully, studies following the progress of children who spend time in childcare have found several positive associations between daycare attendance and social and academic performance. If you are nervous about placing your child in daycare, read on to learn four potential benefits that could follow your child into adulthood. 

Lowering the Risk of Depression

A study published in 2013 by the University of Quebec found that children with mothers vulnerable to depression were less likely to develop depression themselves if they spent time at daycare. Normally, these children are twice as likely to develop a mental health issue as their peers. If you or your spouse occasionally suffer from bouts of depression, giving your child some time with other kids may shield him or her from inheriting that tendency.  

Benefiting From Daily Structure

Children thrive on structure, but they also need time to adjust to major changes in their daily life. By placing your child in daycare, you can help him or her grow used to the concept of leaving home every day to spend time at school and other activities. One study conducted in Michigan found that children entering school out of daycare showed more initiative, interest and better attendance than their counterparts who had stayed at home. By learning how schools and workplaces function from an early age, these children can feel more familiar with the basic framework of their surroundings and, hopefully, absorb more knowledge as a result. 

Learning How to Interact With Peers

Very young children benefit more from one-on-one interactions with adults, which is why it is so important to find a high-quality daycare center for your infant or toddler. As they get older, however, kids begin to focus on each other and develop friendships. If your child has already established a social circle in daycare, he or she may also have friends at school to rely upon for emotional support in your absence. The same Michigan study backs up this logic, with teachers reporting that students who attended daycare formed social relationships and worked as part of a team more easily than others who did not. 

Improving Academic Aptitude 

One of the most long-lasting and beneficial side-effects of daycare seems to be improved academic performance that persists well into adolescence, if not further. An extensive and ongoing study from the National Institute of Health has found that children who spent time in daycare went on to perform moderately better than their peers in tests measuring literacy and mathematical skills. Similarly, in the Michigan study, 35 percent fewer students needed to repeat a grade after they attended daycare. All of these results, however, are dependent on the quality of childcare received. If you want to gain the full advantages a daycare center has to offer, be sure to choose a facility that has a dedicated and professional staff who can provide your child with the attention he or she needs. 

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Excelling in the College Classroom

My college days were amazing. I loved learning new concepts I could use in my chosen career. Are you enrolling in college soon? Perhaps you’re worried you won’t make good grades. If you desperately desire to excel in the college classroom, consider limiting the number of courses you take each semester. Instead of taking five or six classes during the fall and spring semesters, sign up for three or four. To make up the difference, you might want to take a couple of classes during the summer semester. To make good grades, sit near the front of the classroom. Take detailed notes. On this blog, I hope you will discover more smart tips to help you succeed in college.
